Sunday, September 11, 2005

HIS Purpose!

What an spitually emotional morning! As I sat in church this morning, I reflected back on God's good graces that he has poored down on us and continues to bless us. He is soo amazing! The tears that I have been shedding these past few weeks, today and days to come are tears of JOY! Tears of amazement that HE loves us and has entrusted a baby girls life to us. We hope that we can live up to His expectations of us and spread His good word of how he has worked in our lives this past year.

Our church is gearing up for a HUGE campaign for "The 40 Days of Purpose". It is kind of interesting that this will begin in a few weeks at our church. Lance and I credit this book for playing a role in our purpose in adopting. Lance read this book in early 2004 and we read it together shortly after we decided to adopt. While reading this book it assured us that we were on the right path and felt that we were doing something that was HIS purpose for us. We have NEVER waivered in our decision. We have felt strongly that we were meant to adopt Hayleigh.

This is one of the scriptures that really spoke to me this morning and I wanted to share it with you. For us, it is perfect timing:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

So, if you haven't read "The 40 Days of Purpose" yet - you better read it now!! It can have a huge impact on your life! Our church is having it's first sermon on Sept.25th - you can buy a book at our church for $7.00! Please, come to Kennewick First Pres - read the book - we'd love to see you at our church when we get home and attend as a family of 5 on Oct. 2.

God Bless you!


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