Monday, September 26, 2005

Toy Market Day!

Hayleigh is posing with her first Barbie. Every guest that stays at the White Swan Hotel and is adopting receives this "Going Home" Barbie:)

We went to the toy market today! It was amazing! I was Huge!! And we only had 1 hour! There were 4 or more levels and tons of very small stores on each level. The boys were determined to find gameboy games - they did! They were soo happy. That was just about all that they bought. They ran out of time and still have alot of $$ left - oh well...

We also went on a dinner cruise this evening with everyone in our group. It was nice to visit with everyone. The boat was nice and the ride was pleasant and the food was.... well.... Chinese - imagine that... We all just had rice, noodles and bananas - we decided to pass on the chiken feet:)

We had a pretty uneventful day today - we did have Hayleigh's ears checked by Jennifer. They were too waxy - we put some earwax removal drops in them tonight so maybe she can see better tomorrow. Hayleigh was soooooooo soooooo MAD when Jennifer peeked in her ears - it took her about 20 minutes to stop crying and about an hour to not be crabby:( I hope it goes better tomorrow. We are so thankful and blessed that Jennifer is here - we all have a peace of mind knowing that she can help if we need her:):) (Jennifer and Phil have the twins)

We should will post pictures of the families in our group tomorrow - we have a photo shoot on the Red Couch tomorrow:)

Hugs - see you soon!


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